We have three popular posts about women’s travel shoes here— but the question we get asked all the time is what about travel shoes for men? Men arguably have a more difficult task when seeking stylish shoes for travel– their shoes are heavier, take up more suitcase space and are often more expensive (at least for a quality pair). Note: the shoes here are classic and won’t go out of style– but the links are updated as of November 2017.
There is also just less information out there for guys about travel shoes– while my girlfriends and I have extensive conversations about what shoes we are bringing on our travels (along with articles and blog posts to read) I’m going to guess this is not a subject men discuss very often, if ever. In fact, when I asked a guy if he would ever google men’s travel shoes he looked at me in complete horror.
Fortunately, I happen to know a sartorial, well-traveled gentleman (“J”), who let me rifle through his shoe closet. I quizzed J about what men’s shoes work best for traveling for a classic European vacation— the kind that involves walking through big cities and small villages, but could still work for dinners out. These shoe picks aren’t intended for backpackers who are bringing one pair of shoes for months of travel, but for the average guy packing for a one or two-week vacation.
J offers a few men’s travel shoe-shopping tips to consider:
- Don’t be afraid to spend money on your shoes– even if it’s substantially more than your girlfriend or wife spends. Men’s shoes are an investment, meant to be worn for years, not just a season or two. Men are also harder on their shoes so quality is important.
- Unless you are wearing hiking shoes, don’t wear visible socks in the summer.
- Tall men (J is 6’3) should look for shoes with a high vamp– low vamp shoes can look too dainty on tall men.
- When you find shoes or sneakers that work for you, buy in multiples, you won’t regret it. J keeps duplicate pairs stashed in the closet for when other pairs wear out.
- It’s best to pack a few travel shoe options– there really isn’t one shoe that will work in all circumstances.
- Zappos is a great option for buying men’s travel shoes— shipping both ways is free and no hassle so you can grab a couple sizes and return the ones that don’t fit.
1. Best Men’s All Around Travel Shoes: Lace up leather Ankle Boots
Need a sturdy shoe that will look great hiking, endure long city walks, and take you out to a nice restaurant later? The closest thing I’ve found to an all purpose men’s travel shoe are these lace up leather boots. The ankle support and lace ties ensure a snug and custom fit, and they just look cool. This style is made by different brands so try the one that’s best suited to your taste and budget:
These classic Red Wings (available in different tones of brown as well as black) are the #1 best sellers in this category and will look even better with age.
I also love these Red Wings with a boxier toe. Available in multiple brown/tan tones as well as black.
For a rougher, more hiker style I like these Frye boots (one of my favorite brands for durability and style). Available in multiple brown/tan tones as well as black.
For a dressier (and bargain) version, a reader recommends these Joseph Siebel boots (also available in brown).
2. Best Men’s Travel Shoes for Light Hiking
If your travel itinerary includes some light hiking, the Aldens above will work great. But if you need a lighter option, pick up some streamlined sneaker-styled hikers like these cool Scarpas from Italy— perfect for navigating trails. While these shoes would also work on the streets of a small village, they aren’t the best bet for big cities like London or Paris.
3. Best Men’s travel shoes for Driving Through Tuscany
Men’s driving moccasins are meant to be worn for a specific purpose– driving. The lightweight, pliable sole is designed to allow your foot to make contact with the gas pedal so you can quickly react to hairpin turns along windy country roads. The cleats add traction. If you are spending your vacation in a rental (like a classic Alfa Romeo) navigating back roads and hill towns, then a driving shoe is the perfect men’s travel shoe.
But while men’s driving moccasins are great for traction and lightweight to pack, they aren’t a good travel shoe to walk around in all day– the cleats will wear out and the thin soles have no padding. But they are perfect when you need something appropriate for that short stroll to dinner and don’t have the space for a larger shoe.
J wears driving moccasins from Todd’s, but also likes these from Bruno Magli— the flat tread makes them more wearable on the street than the classic Todd’s (but you still don’t want to over wear them). It’s worth splurging on high quality driving shoes because they’ll look great for years.
4. Best Men’s Travel Dress Shoes
When J visits European cities, he usually plans a few nice dinners out and prefer to bring a dress shoe for more formal dining occasions as well as plane travel. J recommends a sturdy Allen Edmonds slip on loafer to wear on the plane, and easy to take on and off through security and again on the plane when you are ready to put on your slippers. The same dress loafer can be worn out to dinner in London. Or go for a classic monk strap dress shoe in British tan. Both these shoes look great with jeans.
Men’s travel dress shoes are great for business travel or for looking your best on a night out in London or Paris.
One downside to bringing men’s dress shoes for travel is that they are heavy. For a still dressy, but more casual (and lighter) option, opt for some lightweight loafers.
These lightweight men’s dress travel shoes are the perfect balance of style and comfort, yet lightweight enough to bring a couple of pairs.
J has had his lightweight suede loafers for a couple of years, but you can find similar lightweight tassel loafers, perfect for travel, here.
5. Best Wear-all-day Lightweight Leather Dress Shoes
Need to walk all day and still look good in the evening for a dinner out? These new lightweight Cole Haan’s (check out their ZeroGrand collections) are the best of both worlds, the perfect men’s travel shoe.
6. Best Men’s Travel Sneakers for General Walking around and Sightseeing
Most people mistakenly think that sneakers aren’t appropriate to wear when traveling, that you’ll somehow be marked as an American tourist. While that might be true for large puffy white running sneakers, there are plenty of men’s travel sneaker options that look stylish. European men wear lots of sneakers– they just look cooler when they do it (Converse seems to the be universal brand). The great thing about men’s sneakers are their versatility– they can be worn with jeans, trousers or even shorts.
Best sneaker options for men’s travel:
These classic men’s superga sneakers are a great travel shoe option– opt for a “box fresh” pair instead of bringing your beat up tennies.
Men’s Seavees for Travel
If you want to blend in with European guys, pick up a pair of Converse sneakers— they are incredibly popular all over Europe.
Men’s Old School Vintage-look Nikes for Stylish Travels
They don’t make J’s vintage-look waffle Nike’s above but these Nikes inspired by 80’s design are just as cool.
7. Best Men’s Travel Casual Leather Shoe
Not a sneaker type? Go for a classic casual leather shoe for a men’s travel shoe. Originally staples for preppy guys everywhere, Top-siders and Weejuns are now mainstream. They are incredibly versatile and work with trousers and shorts (sockless, natch). Or try some classic Chukka boots.
These casual leather topsiders are meant to get beat up with age (ed. note: back in my boarding school days the kids used to duct tape them together when they started falling apart).
Sperry Topsider Authentic Original
Best Men’s Chukka or Desert Boots for Travel
Chukka boots, also known as desert boots, are complete classics and will never go out of style. They are also a great choice for a men’s travel boot.
Men’s Chukka Boots (aka desert boots)
Ok so these well-worn men’s chukka boots don’t photograph so well– but they look great on and are really comfortable for traveling.
8. Best Men’s Sandals for Travel
I am on my own here as J does not do “mandals.” However I think men can wear sandals for travel, even off the beach, as long as they in excellent condition. I liked these Mephisto men’s sandals— the laid back look of Birkenstock but with a dressier leather.
Men’s Travel Shoe Tips– Staying Fresh
We know guys shoes tend to stink a bit by days end. While most of the shoes here can go barefoot, an option are these low profile socks for men specifically designed to be hidden from view.
What men’s travel shoes do you recommend? Tell us about your favorites!
Any purchases made through my links (at absolutely no cost to you) will earn me a tiny commission and help me out with the maintenance costs of running this site, so thank you!
Sunday 5th of August 2018
I am a little late he but maybe you will see this. I was interested in the very first pair pictured, the blue slip-ons at the top of the first picture on the left. Any info or links?
Thursday 30th of March 2017
Thanks! I'm a guy and just googled "European walking shoes for men" There are multiple articles for women's shoes, but not so much for men's. Thank you!
Kristin Francis
Tuesday 4th of April 2017
so glad! If you don't mind using my links to shop, I can keep bringing more articles :)
Saturday 14th of May 2016
Great article Kristin! I will be backpacking Europe this summer for a month after spending all of June studying abroad in Barcelona. Would my Sperry Topsiders work as a casual day shoe as well as for nicer nights out? Also, I will likely be doing day hikes that are nearby the cities I travel to. Would you recommend taking two pairs of shoes for this trip, or should I try to save weight and take one pair to fit all purposes?
Kristin Francis
Saturday 28th of May 2016
John I think you'll be fine with the topsiders unless you are going to really high end restaurants. It's more important to look pulled together and Europeans often wear sneakers-- they just wear them better!
Vortiguant Atadesk
Sunday 11th of October 2015
Why exactly are the Scarpa's undesirable for walking around in the city?
Kristin Francis
Wednesday 28th of October 2015
Not really a hard and fast rule-- I thought they might be a little casual looking, depending on the city-- but I am sure the right guy can pull it off.
Tuesday 19th of May 2015
This is fabulous, thanks! We are already in Europe and were struggling to find shoes for Eric in a size 46! But, from Asia all he had were flip flops and sneakers, so he needed something for meals out, and winery tours. We stumbled into a shop in Palafrugell Spain, after nearly admitting defeat in Lisbon, and other shops in Spain. I asked the woman if she had any shoes in a size 46, and she replied "all of them!" We found men's shoe nirvana, and bought Eric a pair of suede driving moccasins. Not meant for long term walking, but they work for eating out and dressing up, but are light weight and will fit in his small carry on backpack.
Kristin Francis
Tuesday 19th of May 2015
Hi Amber, that's good to know! I think Eric made the right choice-- guy's shoes can be so heavy, those will pack up easily for those times you need to look a little more presentable. : ) That's great to know about the Pal's shoe shop-- who would have thought.