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Ultimate Guide to the Top 40 Paris Souvenirs and Gifts 2023

Ultimate Guide to the Top 40 Paris Souvenirs and Gifts 2023

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Of all the cities I’ve been to, Paris is the city I feel the most compelled to shop in. Over the years, I’ve treasured all my Paris souvenirs accumulated from multiple visits.

My readers do too, in fact, some of my most asked questions are what should I buy in Paris? What are the best places to shop in Paris? What are the top Paris souvenirs? It seems like everyone wants to bring a piece of this magical city home!

It’s not that Paris has the best unique souvenirs (I’d pick Japan for that). There is just something about Paris– the streets, the ambiance, the romance of it all that puts me in shopping mood.

Top 40 unique best paris souvenirs bargain shopping

paris shopping louvre

In Paris, I punctuate my sightseeing with shopping detours for souvenirs and gifts.

Paris is magical even on a grim winter day.

The city of lights at night.

But figuring out what to buy in Paris for the is not as easy as you would think– you’ll find a lot of the same tchotchke type stuff all around the city (even in the high-end department stores!).

Which is a shame when you want to bring home a special gift to remember Paris by (and who doesn’t, because Parisian memories are always special).

When planning my own trips to Paris, I’ve tried to get Paris souvenir ideas beforehand by googling the best/top Paris souvenirs. But I kept seeing the same rehashed lists, probably all copying from each other, and it never appeared that the writer actually brought any of their “recommended” Paris souvenirs and gifts home.

So in this post I sought to reach beyond those trite souvenir lists, and come up with a more comprehensive Parisian souvenir and gift shopping guide, compiled by my own experiences as well as those of friends, family and readers.

While these souvenirs are not all Paris specific (some items come from other parts of France) they can all be easily found in Paris. Some of the Parisian souvenirs ideas are edible, some are costly, some are absolutely free– I tried to cover the full range, including gift ideas from Paris.

Note, if you are interested in the best discount shopping in Paris, I wrote two separate articles on this topic, including a guide to Paris outlet stores (shockingly there are many right in the city center) and a favorite Parisian thrift store, similar to a Goodwill store.

If you have a great Parisian souvenir not listed here, please share in the comments, I would love to add it to the list!

Top Paris Souvenirs and Gifts to Bring Home (in no particular order)

shopping street paris souvenirs

Strolling and shopping Paris’ gorgeous streets for fun souvenirs and gifts.

1. French Macarons, the Most Requested Paris Souvenir!

The gorgeous tiffany blue shopfront and glittering chandeliers will lure you into Laduree. But the real souvenir treat is safely ensconced behind glass, the one and only macaron.

Not to be confused with the similar-sounding, but very different, coconut macaroon, a macaron is a delicate, meringue-based cookie. In the French macaron, two light-as-air, crispy shells surround a creamy center, usually made of ganache, butter cream or jam.

For my detailed post on Laudurée Paris, including the shelf life of fresh mararons, how to order, and securely bring your souvenir macarons home, click here.

top souvenirs paris macarons

If you are at a loss of what to buy in Paris, you can’t go wrong with French Macarons.

top souvenirs paris macarons lauduree

While I love the macarons and pretty atmosphere at Laduree, there are many macaron shops in Paris to try (Pierre Hermes is also a reader favorite).

2. French Soap Souvenir– An affordable Paris souvenir

Soap has been crafted in France since the middle ages. While it’s not really a made in Paris thing, you’ll find plenty of soaps from all over France, including those famous bars from Provence and Marseille.

Or you can skip the fancy brands out there, and opt for this cheap bar of French supermarket soap (about 1.5 euros). Available in a variety of scents, my favorites are the orange blossom and savon au lait (milk). (For more French supermarket souvenir ideas, check out my very popular post here).

supermarket soap france cheap gifts

Tie your supermarket French soap up with ribbon from the craft store and voila, you have a gift-worthy souvenir.

3. Stamped Book from Shakespeare & Company an Original Paris Souvenir

Looking for a unique souvenir from Paris that no one else has? Pick out a favorite book of your choosing and get it stamped!

Shakespeare and Company is the famous English language expat bookstore, a stone’s throw from Notre Dame. Once the hangout of writers and artists like Hemingway, and Fitzgerald, the store maintains its ramshackle charm and remains largely unchanged.

Pick up a book and have the staff stamp the inside for the perfect souvenir gift for any book lover. To read more about visiting Shakespeare and Company, check out my full post here.

shakespeare company shopfront paris

The one and only Shakespeare and Company (you might remember it from the Before Sunrise movies).

Buy a French classic and have the staff stamp the inside cover.

4. French Chocolate Souvenir

No matter what country I visit, chocolate almost always makes my top souvenir list. Each country has their own way of making chocolate that makes it distinct.

French chocolate is traditionally darker and more heavily roasted than Belgian or Swiss chocolate, which can be milkier and creamier. But these days, you’ll find all sorts of French chocolate no matter your palate, from milky light to dark.

When in Paris, I skip the mini chains like Maison du Chocolat (I have a branch a few blocks from me in New York City) and look for unique local purveyors. Some of my favorites include Benoit chocolates in the Marais and this chocolate shop in the 4th that is as beautiful as it is delicious– the historic Debauve and Gallais.

chocolate debauve and gallais best chocolate in paris

My chocolates didn’t last the walk back to the metro.

debauve and gallais shopfront paris best chocolate photos

5. French Baguette Accessories Souvenir

Paris is filled with bakeries (called boulangeries en francais) offering crusty baguettes. Unfortunately, Parisian baguettes have an incredibly short shelf life (a day at best) and are best enjoyed in the moment.

But while it doesn’t make sense to bring a French baguette home, you can pick up baguette accessories as souvenirs. A local boulangerie chain, Polaine, had an excellent selection of  baguette-related souvenirs, including cutting boards, knives and even a custom cloth bag to tote your baguette around in.

shopping paris knives bread board set gift

For those serious about their baguettes– a cutting board and bread knives.

bread bags bakery boulangerie paris gift idea souvenir

Cloth sacks for carrying your baguettes back home.

6. Picasso Cubist Souvenirs

If you are a fan of Picasso, you are probably aware that he spent many of his days in Paris, and derived much of his inspiration here. I visited the Picasso Museum on my last trip to Paris and absolutely adored it. Housed in a gorgeous mansion, the museum is worth a visit for the setting alone.

Pick up a Picasso Paris souvenir in the well curated gift shop.

picasso museum throw pillow best souvenir paris

A cool Picasso throw pillow to add to your sofa.

picasso duck

Cute ducks in the Picasso museum gift shop make a great Paris souvenir for kids. Along with Picasso themed souvenir items, local artists are also featured.

picasso museum paris

Studying the art at the Picasso Museum

picasso museum paris instagram photo opp

The gorgeous mansion that houses the Picasso museum is an Instagrammer’s dream.

7. Tea Souvenirs from Mariage Freres

Founded in 1854, Mariage Freres is a high-end, elegant tea shop, carrying unique blends and is the best place in Paris to buy tea. While tea lovers will adore this shop, even the less tea obsessed will appreciate the gorgeous design of the store, with the chic black tins adorning the walls.

best tea paris mariage frere

A pretty Parisian souvenir for the tea lover.

best tea in paris france shop

8. French Candy Souvenirs to Bring home from Paris

While I never thought of the French as candy fanatics (unlike other cultures like Sweden and Japan), there still is tasty candy to be sampled in Paris. I stuck with traditional classics, the kind of candy the French remember from their childhood. Find them in the supermarket around Paris like Monoprix, to read more check out my post here.

french candy photo haribo hollywood caramels

French candy

9. Angelina Bottled Hot Chocolate Souvenir

Angelina Tea House is one of the most famous patisseries and cafes in Paris, well known for its rich hot chocolate. Pick up a bottle of ready made hot chocolate to heat up at home (and read all about my Angelina experience and their delicious pastries in my post here).

angelina hot chocolate paris best takeout

I can confirm the hot chocolate is delicious, especially on a blustery day.

angelina cafe hot chocolate visiting

Inside the gorgeous Angelina cafe.

Angelina ready to drink hot chocolate paris

To go containers of hot chocolate make a faboulous Paris souvenir, ready to reheat.

10. Discount Paris Designer Fashion Souvenirs from an Outlet Store

Paris is synonymous with high fashion, which if you can afford, makes for a great souvenir. But for those of us on a budget, you can still bring home a French designer look for a fraction of the cost by shopping at bona fide outlet stores in the heart of Paris. Think French brand names you love like Sandro.

To find out where the outlet stores are and see photos of what they sell, check out my exhaustive post here.

french outlet stores paris where to buy bargains

I had no idea Parisian outlet stores even existed until I walked right past several. High fashion in Paris is definitely a top souvenir.

outlet shopping paris bargain dresses disounts

Bring home a designer dress as a souvenir– at a fraction of the cost.

11. Table Setting Souvenirs from the Iconic Cafe de Flore

Paris is well known for its famous bistros and brassieres so you may want to visit an old school brassiere in St. Germain. Once the hangout of philosophers and writers like Hemingway, Cafes like Brasserie Lipp, Cafe Les Deux Magots and Cafe de Flore have barely changed over the decades.

While you can’t bring home your dinner, you can recreate the atmosphere back home by picking up a mug, bowl, pitcher or complete table setting. souvenir. At Cafe de Flore, head up to stairwell to view the glass case showcasing all their table setting souvenirs.

cafe de flor paris front restaurant exterior photos

Despite the brusque waitstaff at Cafe de Flore, dining here is an experience. Do not attempt (even discreetly) to take photos inside or you will be severely reprimanded. Don’t ask me how I know this.

cafe de flor souvenir dishes tea cup set

12. Free Souvenir from Paris– Paper Placemat from your Favorite French Bistro

Some of the best Paris souvenirs are absolutely free. If the table settings at Cafe de Flore above are too outrageously priced or cumbersome to bring home, consider a free, highly packable alternative– those paper placements at your favorite french bistro.

My friend Meg snared several on her last trip to Paris and plans to laminate them so they can be used back home.

free french souvenirs from paris menus

Paper placements, laminated, make great free souvenirs.

13. Crepe mix from Briezh cafe– An Edible Paris Souvenir

French crepes are absolutely legendary. My only regret from my last Paris trip was that I did not eat more crepes. One of my favorite meals on the entire trip were the savory and dessert crepes from the highly recommended Briezh cafe in the Marais.

While I don’t ordinarily frequent “top” places because of the inevitable waits, Briezh was only a couple of blocks from my Airbnb in the Marais. We lucked out and didn’t have to wait (we sat in their shop, which had one dining table, adjacent to the restaurant– I really couldn’t have asked for a better seat!)

Sitting in the Briezh shop worked out well for this souvenir finder, as we waited for our crepes I explored the merchandise (cookbooks, caramels, and 1 kilogram sacks of crepe mix).

briezh crepe paris egg

Briezh was practically the only restaurant enjoyed by the fussy vegetarian on my trip.

crepes paris ham cheese

Underneath the piles of greens and cheese lies a delicious crepe.

crepe mix to buy in paris france

To make dummy proof crepes at home, pick up some ready made crepe mix.

14. French Beret Souvenir– A Typical Paris Souvenir

I created this Parisian souvenir list to be all inclusive, so I couldn’t leave off the French beret. Sure it’s a cliché, but if you can rock a beret with aplomb, there is no better place to pick one up than Paris. You’ll find them everywhere, from cheap versions from street vendors to cashmere versions at luxury boutiques.

french beret gift shop souvenir top best

Guaranteed to be in every gift shop, the French beret.

14. Floppy French Hat– A Cinematic Parisian Souvenir

While the classic beret might be better known, the floppy French hat is a bit more wearable. Despite being worn more by instagrammers than the actual French, the floppy hat remains a Paris souvenir favorite. You’ll find stacks of these floppy hats at any street vendor.

floppy french hat for instagrammer photo paris

Floppy french hats, an Instagram favorite.

Floppy french hat for photos paris

15. French pharmacy items– the Best Paris Souvenirs You’ll use back home.

French pharmacies are legendary for their array of skin care and beauty products. While many French pharmacy items can be found in the US, the prices are often double what they are in Paris. I also found the selection of items to be far superior in Paris.

french pharmacie what to buy beauty products photos
french beauty products bring home from paris pharmacy

16. French Lingerie Souvenirs– A Classic Paris Souvenir

French lingerie in my opinion is the best in the world. Not only is it beautiful, but the fit is generally far superior than the poorly cut lingerie from US chain stores. You’ll find boutique French lingerie shops along Rue Saint Honore, and sprinkled throughout the Marais.

Or hit any of the department stores for a selection of French lingerie brands.

french lingerie souvenirs to buy in paris france best shops
Buying french lingerie in paris

17. French Sponges as a Paris Souvenir- Cheap, Affordable and Usable

I know, this sounds ridiculous, but I always pick up French sponges when in Paris. They are made from vegetable and feel quite nice in the hand, unlike synthetic materials. Cheap and light, French sponges are a fun reminder of Paris when I am back home doing mundane tasks like the dishes. These sponges are also included on my best Paris souvenirs list from Monoprix.

French Supermarket Souvenir Monoprix Kitchen Sponge

Yes I bring home supermarket sponges from Paris as souvenirs.

18. Gourmet French Food Souvenirs from Fauchon, Paris

Founded in 1886, like many fancy gourmet stores, Fauchon had its start as a fruit and vegetable stall. Now it’s part bakery, patisserie, wine shop and cafe.

My favorite French souvenirs here are the chocolates and jams (pricey but worth it). If you miss one of the Parisian branches, the airport duty free carries an ample selection of Fauchon products.

fauchon paris store front

19. French Jam Souvenir: Failsafe Top Souvenir from Paris

French jam is delicious, whether you go with a supermarket brand or seek out specialty jams. Look for Christine Ferber jams, available at Polaine bakeries and gourmet shops around the city for an extra special souvenir from Paris.

20. Maille Mustard Souvenir: a Fun Paris visit and Inexpensive Souvenir

The Maille mustard shop does not sell your standard supermarket mustard. Stocked with a dizzying variety of mustard combinations you never thought possible, it is impossible not to find a unique Paris souvenir here.

Don’t miss the fresh mustards pumped out on the premises and packaged in beautiful ceramic containers. Your purchases will be elegantly wrapped in Maille’s signature black paper, perfect for gifting. For my full post on visiting the Maille shop, read it here.

Maille Mustard from shop in Paris, France

I still have my ceramic jars from the Maille mustard shop in Paris.

maille mustard shop paris souvenir

21. French Truffles: a luxury Paris souvenir

I adore truffles, both black and white, Italian or French, no matter. So when I spied an entire shop and restaurant devoted to truffles, I had to stop in.

One side of the Maison de la Truffe is a restaurant with the most decadent menu imaginable. The other side is a shop filled with all varieties of French truffles (and a healthy assortment of foie gras).

french truffles where to buy paris maison de la truffe exterior

22. French Butter Souvenir

French butter makes everything taste better. You’ll find butter from all the different regions of France (llook for those from dairy rich Normandy). If you are wondering who stuffs their suitcase with butter, it’s me, I do.

french butter to buy in paris

23. Indie French Fashion Souvenirs

I am always on the lookout for reasonably priced, made in France fashions that I can’t get in the US. In Paris, shop the Marais for an assortment of French brands that aren’t available in your local stores back home.

I also liked the mini chain Antoine & Lili for their colorful and reasonably priced sweaters and dresses (I’ve owned mine for years and still wear them).

cute dresses made in france antoine lily

Cute made in France dresses from Antoine and Lily

cute french handbag indie design paris boutique

shopping indie fashion marais paris

24. Made in France Handbag: one of the Best souvenirs from Paris

What I love about purses as souvenirs is that it is something you can use every day back home and remember fondly where you bought it.

The handbags at Brontibay, a shop in the Marais were well-constructed with a nice attention to detail (each bag had a pretty satin lining). When I first I glanced at the labels and realized that the handbags were actually made in France I expected some sticker shock.

Instead, I experienced a rare case of reverse sticker shock– the handbags were not only inexpensive but downright cheap at about 80-200 euros per bag. Small accessories like change purses went for considerably less, making the shop a great spot for gifts. For my full post read about it here.

french purse made in france grey

25. Scarf from Flagship Hermes: A Luxury Souvenir Gift from Paris

It’s true you can buy Hermes silk scarves in their shops all over the world. But for Hermes lovers, there is something special about visiting the flagship store in Paris. I have a dozen Hermes scarves of various sizes and my favorite way to wear them is as a colorful hair accessory, folded into a purse, or as a tube top.

It’s also almost always cheaper to buy Hermes items in Paris rather than the US, so why not splurge on that Hermes scarf you’ll have forever.

My Hermes scarf from Paris.

26. Elegant Paris Souvenirs from the Museum of Decorative Arts Gift Shop

I love visiting museum gift shops, but often times art museums can be pretty limited in the items they carry (think tote bags, art books and coffee mugs).

I scoured the gift shops in Paris and my favorite for unique items that I didn’t see in every gift shop was the Museum of Decorative Arts. This shop carried lots of home decor items and interesting costume jewelery, it’s definitely worth a look.

egg cups paris cool design museum gift shop

Unique home goods souvenirs.

museum gift shop necklace decorative arts paris

A necklace souvenir you won’t find anywhere else.

27. A big glossy French fashion or design magazine: a Cheap Paris Souvenir

If you love big beautiful photos and Parisian fashion or design, consider picking up a glossy magazine to throw on your coffee table at home. Visit a news stand (now so rare in my home city of New York) and peruse the gorgeous options.

french news stand in paris magazines at night

28. French Cheese: the Best Paris Souvenir

I love all French cheese– cow or goat, stinky or mild, hard or soft. While of course you can buy French cheese in the US, there is just so much delicious cheese that never makes it out of France (in particular raw milk cheeses).

If I was going to name a single souvenir as the best Paris souvenir, I would have to say cheese. In fact my mouth is watering right now just thinking about it.

I always try to bring back as much French cheese as possible, especially if traveling colder months. Look for cheese at shops called fromageries (I had not one but several fromageries within walking distance of my Marais apartment).

For variety, I also pick up some cheap supermarket cheese, simply because I’m shocked at how delicious a two euro cheese from the grocery store can be.

fromagerie paris french cheese shop in marais

So much delectable French cheese to try at the fromagerie.

truffle cheese paris france cheese shop

French Supermarket Souvenir Monoprix Cheese

French supermarket cheese is cheap and tasty.

29. A Souvenir from the Bouquinistes along the banks of the Seine

The bouquinistes (vendor stalls) lined up along the Seine are made for browsing. Whether it’s a vintage post card or a hand drawn sketch or painting, it can be fun to pick up a little something from these stalls.

30. Eiffel Tower Souvenirs: A Typical Paris Souvenir

While I ordinarily skip tacky souvenirs of big tourist attractions, sometimes I just have to give in to the tackiness.

Eiffel Tower souvenirs are one of those times, I just cannot resist souvenirs representing that famous spire. On this last trip I brought home both an Eiffel Tower mug and a mini replica.

I bought the tiny replica for fun to photograph around Paris but back home I use it to hold rings.

eiffel tower view from trocadero morning dawn paris

Getting to the Trocadero before the crowds arrive is key– we were lucky to be staying on the direct metro line so the trip was quick and easy.

mini eiffel tower souvenir paris

Even though I usually rail against souvenirs like this, I couldn’t resist this one euro mini Eiffel Tower.

31. Parisian Thrift Store Finds as a Discount Paris Souvenir

I love stumbling across the random and there is no better (and cheaper) place to do this than at a Parisian thrift shop. Find out what French people get rid of, and bring home a prize. Read more about my Parisian thrift store adventures in this post.

paris goodwill

Random brass figurines in a Paris thrift shop that my friend sorely regretted not buying.

32. Vintage Jewelry from St. Paul Village as a Unique one of a kind Paris Souvenir

I like vintage shopping, but find the whole process overwhelming, especially in a big city like Paris. I’m not enough of a vintage fanatic to track down remote shops, but do enjoy browsing if they happen to be convenient.

St. Paul Village, in the heart of the historic Marais district, was everything I could ask for in vintage shopping– extremely convenient, self-contained and atmospheric. The “village” is comprised of vintage and other shops in a maze of cobbled courtyards, fun exploring on their own (and instagram worthy).

While you’ll find all sorts of vintage items here, I especially loved the costume jewelry. Look for a full post on St. Paul Village coming soon.

vintage shopping paris st paul village best souvenirs paris

My dear friend Krista browsing the vintage items.

paris vintage frames st paul village

While I loved sorting through the artwork, it would be a little cumbersome to bring home.

vintage shopping paris marais st paul village

Vintage costume jewelry is pack friendly and a unique Paris souvenir no one else will have.

33. Marinere T Shirt: a Classic French Souvenir

While more Brittany than Parisian, the Mariniere striped sailor t shirt is still quintessentially French and available all around Paris. The t shirt also makes a cute and budget friendly Paris souvenir for kids.

parisian tee shirt gift to buy in paris

Amanda models the mariniere t-shirt I brought from Paris.

34. Shopping bag from Monoprix: a Cheap Paris Souvenir

You can go crazy at Monoprix (or any French supermarket) like I did– read my super popular post on what to buy at a Monoprix here. If you don’t want to haul home French groceries, a cheap souvenir you’ll definitely use back home are iconic Monoprix shopping bags, easily recognizable by the cherry red color and apple design.

35. Ballet flats from Repetto: An always classic French shoe

Although Parisian women these days sport cool chic sneakers as much as anyone else, the classic ballet flat is still very French. Repetto is one of the best known makers of ballet flats, and is also a great spot for souvenirs for your favorite ballerina (they also sell dance attire and real ballet shoes).

36. French Honey

If you’re strolling though the Marias, don’t miss the Miel Factory and the assortment of delicious local honey.

37. French Champagne: a Most Wanted Souvenir

The Champagne regions of Epernay and Reims are not far from Paris, and would make a great day trip. If you’re short on time you can simply stock up on Champagne in Paris. Look for smaller producers not readily available back home.

drinking champagne in paris french windows doors

As Coco Chanel said, I only drink champagne on two occasions, when I am in love and when I am not.

38. Real Absinthe: a French Souvenir banned in the US

Absinthe is an anise-flavoured spirit made from various botanicals and herbs, including wormwood, green anise and sweet fennel. It’s lore as the “green fairy” stems from the presence of the chemical thujone, which is said to have psychedelic effects.

While absinthe is legal in the US, it cannot contain thujone (or contain only trace amounts). In France, much higher thujone levels are permitted in Absinthe.

39. French Perfume: a Luxury Parisian Gift Souvenir

Paris, along with the city of Grasse, has been an eipcenter of a perfume-making tradition since medieval times. Look for classic French brands like Fragonard and Guerlain, or pick up a bespoke scent from a local perfum shop for a truly unique Paris souvenir. Perfume is also a beautiful gift (provided you can guess the recipient’s scent preferences).

40. Fleur de Sel

Fleur de Sel can be pricey to buy at gourmet stores in the US, so if you have the suitcase space it makes sense to buy a big sack of it to bring home. You can divvy up your fancy salts into individual baggies for inexpensive gifts.

fleur de sel paris

I sprinkle fleur de sel over everything.

Pin it for Later!

Top 40 unique best paris souvenirs bargain shopping
Top 40 Paris souvenirs to bring home from your vacation photos

What are your favorite Paris souvenirs? Share in the comments below!

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Saturday 9th of December 2023

Agree the mini Prix shopping bags the large one is cheaper slightly than the fold up ones . Monoprix socks are unique and no tight tops

I took a coaster from one of the bars we hit hit chocolate from snd use it wish I’d taken a few but I can take a pic and make it into a permanent coaster with a photo gift creation store

Used to get Eiffel Tower card holders on isle st r Louis but shop not there post pandemic

Pack of six tiny mustards from bon Marche you can separate and gift toothpaste charcoal from monoprix and shoe liners you can’t buy in aust Cologne from petit Palais gift shop 1902 brand I got for my bathroom

Little vials from artisan perfumer in 6th

Lipstick from mono Prix and wool scarves Postcards size of coasters at newsagents with cute French sayings

The Perfect Paris Itinerary for Female Travelers - GlobetrotterGirls

Tuesday 9th of March 2021

[…] at the Champs Elysees before you get to the Arc de Triomphe. There you can shop for beautiful souvenirs and gifts to bring home, and window shop at the luxury […]

Jim Faulds

Friday 26th of February 2021

Your comments and recommendations seem clearly directed to the ladies who visit Paris. We guys like to travel too, How about a few suggestions for us?

Kristin Francis

Thursday 15th of April 2021

Hi Jim, thanks for your comment! Not all recommendations, but it's true that is typically the majority of my audience. However, I will have to give that some thought for a future trip. Stay tuned :)


Friday 19th of February 2021

This is the second post of yours I’ve read and I’ll def be reading more. I find them to be very informative and visually lovely. My jaw dropped when I saw your picture of costume jewelry in a vintage store. My mouth was watering as I’m obsessed with almost vintage anything but especially costume jewelry of which I have a huge collection. Thank you for all the info. I can’t wait to return to France someday after COVID.


Kristin Francis

Thursday 15th of April 2021

Hi Mousey, thanks for reading! Yes, I still looks back at the photos and long to do some shopping! France is definitely a priority, my last visit was in the very cold winter, I need a warm weather visit to better scope out the shops :)

Monday 28th of December 2020

Would you possibly share a fav Airbnb in the Marais??

Kristin Francis

Thursday 15th of April 2021

We chose the one we stayed in because it had two twin beds (2 girls traveling together) so we didn't have to share a bed-- this is unusual as most places have one double unless you get a two bedroom. It was perfect for that circumstance but I wouldn't stay there as a couple or solo traveler because of the very steep 4 flights of stairs (and our heavy suitcases!). I would search in Haut Marais-- that's the area we stayed in and I loved it.