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Traditional Hungarian Souvenirs at Budapest’s Central Market Hall

Traditional Hungarian Souvenirs at Budapest’s Central Market Hall

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On a quick visit to Budapest, the best place to see a variety of local Hungarian handicrafts and souvenirs in one place is at the Central Market Hall (also called the Great Market Hall). Conveniently located on the busy shopping street of Váci utca, the Central Market Hall is worth checking out the even if you’re not a shopper– it’s one of the most popular tourist attractions in all of Budapest.

While I read a little about the Central Market Hall before arriving, I wasn’t prepared by how massive it is. The Central Market Hall is a cavernous space, its 10,000 square feet spread out over three floors lined with stalls. It’s not just the size of the market that’s striking but also the old world grandeur— the Central Market’s art nouveau design and light-flooded skylights overhead make browsing vegetables an other-worldly experience.


Central Market Hall Budapest Grand Hungary food stalls

Come hungry, because there are plenty of stalls offering traditional Hungarian snacks.

The Central Market’s best souvenirs (in my opinion anyway) are edible– paprika is a must-buy, along with caviar, jams and other Hungarian delicacies.

As for Hungarian craft souvenirs, while there were some exceptions, many of them were too folkloric for my taste— I couldn’t picture incorporating them in my decor back home. But I would be interested to hear from others who have successfully worked intricate Hungarian lace or embroidery into their decor back home. In any case, I still appreciated browsing the beautifully made handiworks and chatting with the artisans behind the designs (the artisans often manned the stalls themselves and were very friendly).

While there was a wide diversity of Hungarian crafts available at the Central Market Hall, some crafts (like the lace and embroidery) were available at multiple stalls. So instead of buying at the first stall you see, make a sweep through the stalls first and check out all the options.

We photographed the most interesting craft and souvenir finds at the Central Market Hall. Here’s what we found:

*Keep in mind that not all vendors will allow photos, so make sure to ask permission first before snapping away (a good rule of thumb in any market).

1. Hungarian Paprika

I Our number one souvenir recommendation to buy at the Central Market is Hungarian paprika. In fact, we wrote an entire post about the different varieties, how to shop for it, and even threw in a goulash recipe.

2. Other Hungarian Food Souvenirs

Hungarian jam.

Don’t miss delicious Hungarian jams, made from local fruits and berries.

3. Hand-Forged Knives

hungarian knives souvenirs central market

Don’t forget to put your knives in your checked baggage.

4. Handmade Hungarian Lace

hungarian lace central market hall budapest

I loved checking out the gorgeous Hungarian lace designs but was at a loss at how to style them back home. Ideas?


5. Hungarian Embroidery



Hungarian embroidery is an example of a souvenir that can sometimes veer too folkloric to use back home (like the children’s traditional costumes or rooster pillows). But if you take some time to sift through the traditional crafts, you’ll find some beautifully made items that just hint at Hungarian design. I loved the gorgeous, subtly-patterned wool capes (about $300 US dollars) and can totally picture myself wearing one on the streets of New York.

Even the more over-the-top Hungarian embroidered designs can work in small doses. While I loved the colorful floral designs, they might be a bit much on a blouse– but could look chic on a pair of gloves or a small keepsake box.

6. Rubik’s Cube

Did you know that Rubik’s cubes, that huge 80’s trend, originated in Hungary? If you are nostalgic for the key chain size rubik’s cube you carried around in elementary school, you’ll find plenty of options at Central Market. When speaking with the Hungarian tourism board, I learned that the Rubik’s Cube is actually just one example of Hungary’s longstanding gaming tradition. While I didn’t have time to explore Hungary’s other games and puzzles on this short trip, I hope to do so on a future trip.

8.  Hungarian Bags

There were plenty of bags to choose from at the Great Hall Market. I thought some of the inexpensive, beaded cloth bags could make fun evening bags. But I wasn’t crazy about the designs (or stiffness of) the leather bags

9. Hungarian Jewelry and Hair accessories


Most of the accessories at Budapest’s Central Market Hall weren’t super-high quality, but they were fun, sparkly and cheap– an ideal souvenir or gift for a tween.

I liked these leather hair pins stamped with traditional Hungarian designs– a perfect souvenir that incorporates Hungarian design into a wearable piece.

10. Hungarian Wooden Souvenirs

giant wooden pencils souvenir hungary budapest central market hall great

These giant pencils brought back memories of my first trip to Europe as a child. While visiting Poland  with my family, there wasn’t much to buy (Poland was still behind the Iron Curtain back then)– but I did come home with several of these huge pencils. Looks like they are still a popular souvenir.

I saw lots of wooden boxes of all shapes and sizes painted with Hungarian designs– they were all relatively inexpensive.

11. Random Finds

souvenirs hungary great market hall budapest crafts

While we didn’t buy these bunny ears, they were fun to try on for a selfie.

While there were certainly lots of beautiful Hungarian crafts at the Central Market, there were also some more questionable items (furry bunny hats anyone?). I’m not sure that absolutely everything at Central Market Hall is actually made in Hungary, so if buying something locally-made is important, makes sure to ask.

[box type=”info” style=”rounded” border=”full”]Souvenir Shopping Tip Sheet
What to Buy:
Paprika and other Hungarian food delicacies, embroidered items, painted wood souvenirs and a Rubiks Cube.
Where to Get it: Central Market Hall (aka Great Market Hall, on Váci utca)
What to Know: While the Central Market Hall is open on weekdays, it is closed completely on Sundays and closes at 3 pm on Saturdays, so if you’re only there for a weekend visit, plan accordingly![/box]

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Have you been shopping at Budapest’s Central Market Hall? Tell us about your experience in the comments!


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Monday 29th of October 2018

I spent a few extra days in Budapest and bought a cute little porcelain bell ornament at the the Great Hall Market. I was putting it away and dropped it on the floor and it shattered. Wish I could find a website for the vendor to buy a new one!

Kristin Francis

Thursday 15th of April 2021

Aww I hate it when that happens! My friend recently broke my plate from Portugal.


Thursday 5th of April 2018

going to Budapest and hoe to visit the central market. do they only use cash or can you use credit cards and what currency thank you

Kristin Francis

Thursday 17th of May 2018

Hi Carol! I'm not aware of the current situation, it's been a few years.

Ernie Breti

Saturday 9th of September 2017

I recently returned from Hungary and spent time in Budapest. I went to the market and loved it!! I walked all throughout and had lunch there as well. I bought a few things but now regret not buying more. This place is mainly frequented by locals for groceries so expect to pay fair prices. You don't get gouged. Loved it and is a must see, in my opinion!!

Kristin Francis

Tuesday 24th of October 2017

Hi Ernie, thanks so much for sharing! I agree it absolutely was not flooded with tourists as you might expect and prices were very fair.

Wednesday 16th of November 2016

I was in Budapest in October. Went to the Central Market and am KICKING myself now for not buying a wooden santa (about 2" tall) that I saw there :( Does anyone know where I could get one online?? Please? Thank you - Jennifer


Thursday 2nd of June 2016

Do you know of a Hungarian website that you can buy souvenirs from and shipped to US? Everything we bought was stolen from car....

Judy Neustadt

Tuesday 14th of June 2016

I just got back from the Viking Danube Cruise. Our last stop was Budapest and the time truly flew by. The only store I got in to buy Souvenirs was right at the pier. It was very close to where are boat was docked. I went back and bought more of the chocolate. I've been surfing the web for hours trying to find the name of the store. I loved it! The store was great but what was awesome was the girl working the store. My husband and I got caught in a downpour. When we popped into her shop we were soaked to the bone and dripped water on the floor. Her heart felt reaction of sympathy to our condition was truly the most sincere and kind reaction I have ever received from someone. I want to go back simply to visit this shop again so I can say thank you again to the shop girl. She made my entire cruise! If anyone finds this shop and meets this gal, I say'" Lucky you!"