After you’ve ridden the giant elevator up and down, had your fill of pastel de nata and thrown back a few ginjinhas, what else is there to do in Lisbon?
Shopping anyone?
Maybe it was the ginjinhas or the fact that none of us brought a guidebook, but all of a sudden I was leading the troops through the Barrio Alto’s cobbled streets. After passing on a too-fancy linen store, I despaired that perhaps the group was losing faith. Someone mentioned something about a castle. Others wondered whether we should return to the ginjinhas bar. Then I spied a bright beacon in the distance, down a little side street.
Fortunately, language barriers have never prevented me from recognizing the word for hat. I am also multi-lingual in shoes.
There it was, Fábrica dos Chapéus, a little hat shop tucked away on a storybook street.
While the others amused themselves in the leather store across the street (sadly, now closed), I checked out the racks of straw hats in for the summer season. What luck the “Mestre Chapeleiro,” translated as the master milliner, was minding the store. I learned that nearly all of the hats are made locally in their small factory. They even locally source all of the wool and felt used to make winter hats like fedoras and berets.
Photos above courtesy of Fábrica dos Chapéus
Unable to choose among the many adorable styles, I asked the Mestre Chapeleiro for advice. He immediately plucked the winning hats from the rack, saving me from trying on every hat in the store. The hats were so inexpensive, about 25-30 euros, that I took them both home with me.
Have you come across any great hat shops in your travels? Or do you have other Lisbon recommendations? Share in the comments below!
Details here:
Fábrica dos Chapéus
The shop is in the area of Lisbon called the Barrio Alto, or central district. It’s a great area to wander around in.
Rua da Rosa no. 118, Barrio Alto, Lisboa
Jenny @ A Thing For Wor(l)ds
Wednesday 9th of July 2014
Great find! I don't usually take home souvenirs (Ryanair carry-on limits....) but when I went to Morocco I went a little crazy. And I found a hat I loved in a little Berber village, for the equivalent of 3 euros! They're now selling practically the same one everywhere I go---H&M, boutiques, Urban Outfitters---for 10 times the price. Morocco for the win.
Kristin Francis
Thursday 10th of July 2014
I know the carry-on limits have gotten so tight, even here in the US! Your hat sounds adorable! Guest post? : )
Janice & George (@SandInSuitcase)
Friday 1st of November 2013
Love your hats! We ended up buying a huge painted ceramic vase and plate many years ago when in Lisbon. They still decorate our home (not yet relegated to a garage sale :-). But they were mighty awkward lugging home on the airplane as hand luggage. Squishable hats would probably be a better idea..
Friday 1st of November 2013
Thanks! I also have plenty of ceramics. But I love to decorate with them- I try to stick with classic patterns and colors so they blend with the decor. Or use as serving dishes. But I agree best to get something wearable. Usually works out, but not always (embroidered parrot Guyabera don't ask).