Everyone knows Belgium is famous for its chocolate and waffles, but have you heard of the other sweet Belgian treat, the cuberdon?
Cuberdons: A Sweet Brussels Souvenir
In Ghent, an easy 30 minute train ride from Brussels, you’ll find cuberdons stacked high in traditional wooden carts owned by two rivaling vendors.
Cuberdons are a Belgian candy, easily identified by their cone-shape and deep purple color. Cuberdons (also called the Ghent Nose) are made from a sweet mix of red berries, their hard outer shell encasing a gooey center.
Where to Buy Belgian Cuberdons
You’ll find cuberdons at every candy shop in Brussels as well as throughout the rest of Belgium. I found more mass-market versions at the local supermarket.
Buy cuberdons while you’re visiting Belgium because it’s rare to find these Belgian treats outside the country. Cuberdons aren’t generally exported because of their limited shelf life (they are good for only a few weeks before they start to crystalize and harden). I googled them to death and could find nowhere in the United States that sells them (not even in New York, which seems to import nearly everything).
Cuberdon-Flavored Everything
If you can’t get enough of the distinct cuberdon flavor, have no fear– you can buy all sort of cuberdon-flavored souvenirs. I saw cuberdon flavored jams, syrup, ice cream and even beer.
Have you tried Belgian cuberdons?
[box type=”info” style=”rounded” border=”full”]Souvenir Finder Shopping Tip Sheet
What to Buy: Cuberdons
Where to Get it: In Brussels, any candy shop or farmer’s market. In Ghent, look for the open air carts in the town center.
What to Know: Cuberdons get hard after a few weeks, so plan on enjoying soon, or go for longer-lasting cuberdon flavored products. Also look out for specialties to enjoy while in Belgium like cuberdon ice cream.[/box]
Shepard C Willner
Friday 26th of January 2018
This is the first time I've ever heard of this candy. When I visited Brugges in September of '16, the guide made no mention of them. During our free time to explore and shop, somebody asked him about where to find the best chocolate or waffles, he mentioned a street name but I forgot the street the guide mentioned. I wasn't interested in chocolate or waffles, but in Belgian fries: yummy, but preferably w/o the mayo. I also recall seeing waffles served on a stick with chocolate coating and sprinkles, but I didn't want to partake because I was more interested in the upcoming beer tasting event on the tour. I guess the next time I visit Belgium, I'll look for these candies. But I'm not bringing home jam--they're the first thing that gets confiscated at LHR no matter the size of the jar-because it's considered a gel, and airport security hates gels.