Do you love to collect the same type of souvenir from every place you travel to? You're not alone– whether it's a collection of badges, paintings, Starbucks city mugs or even musical instruments, collections are popular with travelers. What is it about the compulsion to collect?
For starters, collections answer the question, “what should I bring back.” It also can be a fun challenge to seek out the same type of item in every destination. Collections also often look better clustered together back home than a single items. Imagine a lonely snow globe sitting on a shelf versus a collection of globes of varying sizes and shapes. What might look tacky on its own can be made into an artful display.
Check out our favorite souvenir collections in our archives below.
Today’s guest post comes courtesy of friend and blogger Sofie of Do you know that feeling when your feet are absolutely comfortable, bouncing off the ground without feeling any …
I have one deck of souvenir playing cards– the colorful, glossy blue and yellow pattern of my deck caught my eye at a little shop in Lisbon, Portugal. While I …
Are you one of those people who travel light, with just a backpack or small carry on? Your clothes tightly rolled, every available crevice and pocket taken? You skip right …
Souvenir Patches: A Colorful Collection When I saw first saw Daniel Daugherty’s souvenir collection of patches and badges from around the world, I was immediately intrigued by them and asked …
When reader and fellow blogger Sue mentioned she collected souvenir Starbucks mugs as she traveled, I’d never heard of the mugs and had no idea how popular they are. While …